Love On The Rocks

EnRich has supported Barnsley’s new “Love On The Rocks” group in its latest round of grant applications and we’re really impressed with the number of people who are developing their painting skills… even at an extremely young age!

Through their activities and Facebook page the group promotes painting, hiding and hunting decorated rocks. Once found, people share a photo online of what they have found and then choose to keep or re-hide the rock and make it travel.

The group’s organisers include a curator, a teacher, two costume and prop makers and a face painter so there is a lot of creative skill being shared. They organise meet-ups, promote on-line themes and activities and have held workshops. EnRich funding has helped to provide resources for their workshops.

Children and their families seem to be enjoying this low-cost visual art experience and are having fun enjoying the great outdoors and meeting other families too!

Fifty families enjoyed a recent event in Locke Park involving 150 individuals and they sat and painted together, swapped rocks and hid theirs around the park.

They also ran a workshop at a local Christmas Fair at Barnsley’s Digital Media Centre.

Children have been over the moon to see rocks they have painted, found by others, “adopted” and in some cases, travel to other parts of the country, and even overseas!